Does game design require programming knowledge?

Madworld Games
5 min readDec 14, 2022
Photo by Juanjo Jaramillo on Unsplash


Game development has a reputation for being a complicated and difficult job. However, if you don’t already know how to code, that doesn’t mean that you can’t build games. In fact, there are many different methods of game development that don’t require programming knowledge at all! This post is going to explore some of those options, as well as the pros and cons of each one.

Programming knowledge is useful

Programming knowledge is useful, but not necessary. You can still design games without programming knowledge, though a little bit of programming knowledge might help you more quickly get started on your game. If you do have some programming experience then great! If not, there are plenty of resources online and in books that can teach you how to code in any language. Some examples of these include MIT OpenCourseWare’s Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Assignment Zero by Code Academy or Everyday Programmer by Zed Shaw.

Programming is not all about writing code out, either — it also involves planning and organizing your program before writing the actual code itself. For example, if we wanted to write a program for our hypothetical RPG (Role-Playing Game) Super Mario Bros., we would first have to determine what each object does: who are the enemies? What do they look like? What do they act like? Where do they appear on screen? How many moves do they make at once? What happens when Mario jumps on them? Do they disappear forever or just reappear after some time has passed; if so how much time will pass before appearing again? Etcetera…

Programming knowledge is not necessary

If you’re thinking about becoming a game designer, you might be wondering if programming is necessary for this position. The answer is no! While it’s true that some game designers do know how to program, it isn’t required. Game design can be learned without any knowledge of programming at all.

The reason why many people think that programming is necessary for game design is because they don’t understand the difference between “game design” and “game development.” Game design involves creating concepts and ideas; creating a plotline; determining what features should be included in a game (e.g., graphics); everything except actually making the game itself run on your computer or console (which would fall under “game development”).

Game development can involve more than programming

While game programming is an important part of the development process, it’s not the only thing you need to know. Other skills include:

  • Game design (how to create a fun and challenging experience)
  • Game art (the visual style of a game, such as its characters and backgrounds)
  • Sound effects and music (what players hear while they play)
  • User testing (testing early versions of your game with potential players)
  • Marketing (getting people excited about your game so they’ll buy it when it’s released)

It depends on the game

It depends on the game. If you’re looking to make a game that requires programming, then yes, having knowledge of programming languages is necessary for your success and career as a game designer. However, if you are not interested in making this kind of game then no, it is not required for you to know how to code since there are many other paths available to becoming successful at designing games.

You can learn how to code while still being able to pursue your passion for creating engaging experiences!

If you already know how to code, there are many options for you.

If you already know how to program, then there are a couple of ways for you to get started designing games.

  • Use the skills you already have. If the game is simple, it might not need anything more than what you already know how to do. For example, if your game has no physics and only one character, then all its logic can be handled by whatever programming language (and libraries) that you’re used to working with.
  • Use a game engine or library that does all the heavy lifting for you (e.g., Unity3D). This approach allows for more complex games but comes with lower flexibility because of the limitations imposed by these tools on what can be done within them.
  • Use programming languages developed specifically for designing video games (such as C++). These provide access to low-level components like graphics cards and sound cards so they can be used without needing external APIs but also give greater flexibility since they aren’t limited by other constraints such as those imposed by engines/libraries above; however they may require more time learning things like memory management explicitly since this isn’t abstracted away as much in these languages compared against others mentioned earlier.”

If you don’t know how to code, there are still many options for you.

If you’re interested in designing games, but don’t know how to code, there are still many options for you.

You can learn how to code a game from scratch by reading any number of books and online tutorials. If you want an interactive learning experience, consider enrolling in an online course or taking classes at a local community college or university. You’ll learn the basics of programming languages while working with others on projects that help them build their skills and portfolios as well as yours!

If you’re more interested in getting started right away than learning how to code yourself — which is understandable — there are plenty of tools available so that even someone with no experience can make a game within minutes. While some people might feel like this takes away some creative control over their project (and it does), being able to quickly put together something playable gives designers valuable feedback on what works well while they continue honing their craft using other techniques down the line.

Working in a team can have its advantages.

Working with a team can be beneficial in many ways. You can learn new skills, improve your ideas and make more money. Working in a team can also help you feel less lonely: many game designers are introverts by nature and working alone for extended periods of time can be difficult for them.

There are plenty of guides on how to make these games.

If you want to make games, there are plenty of resources online. There are also many books available on the subject, as well as courses and tutorials. You can find a lot of information on how to make games and where to start if you’re interested in making them yourself.

Game development doesn’t have to involve programming!

It’s important to note that game development is a broad term, and it covers many different skills. However, programming knowledge is not necessarily required for every position within the industry. You can be involved with game development without ever touching a line of code.

Just like any other job or career path, you will find a variety of roles within the field of game design. Some roles are more technical than others; some involve coding and other aspects of software development while others do not require any coding at all!


I hope that this article has been informative and helpful. Whether you are learning how to code or if you want to make games without any knowledge of programming, there are many resources available for you. Game development is an exciting field with a lot of potential, but it doesn’t have to be limited by what kind of computer literacy you have!

